Friday, March 11, 2011

Surrender, but don't give yourself away

Pardon the ridiculous Blue Steel look in my full length picture. Self timer + Friday giddiness + new skirt + hunger, and this is what comes out. I'd like to be more adept at the art of self timer photos, so give me a chance :). The flowers are now out on Historic Temple Square, well, at least a lot of them, and I went out for a walk earlier. Delightful!

We went thrifting briefly last night, and this skirt was one of my scores. I have to be honest when I say I have wanted a skirt like this, with 45 degree horizontal stripes, for approximately a decade. I've tried on plenty of them before at thrift stores, but the ones that aren't lined seem to fit poorly, and so I could never bring myself to buy the perfect skirt if it fit poorly. Not to mention these are great colors, and a little darker than typical Type 1 hot aqua spring colors. It still suits me as Type 1 though, and I think the angular-ness of the stripes gives a little shout out to the Secondary 3.

Oh, my mom complimented (for the zillionth time) on my glasses yesterday. I like how thet fit into "me", rather than be a distraction from it. Oh, and I seriously need a haircut. That thing is getting out of control!

Things have been busy in my life these days, and hopefully they'll be a major positive result coming up in the near future. Until that shows up, we'll just keep taking it one day at a time.

Type 1ness of the day: I've been thinking about the ability to disconnect a lot lately. It's truly one of my Type 1 gifts, and before knowing my true nature, I had already heavily incorporated it into my life. The one time when I really struggle with disconnecting is if it's late at night and the metaphorical party is going on, and I can't bear to go to bed. But as for disconnecting in all the other parts of my life, it's genius. I can "turn off work" in my brain when it's time to go home, "turn off" people that I am having trouble relating to (I like to think I achieve this with lightness and positivity), "turn off" frustrating situations in my life that I don't want to deal with at the moment (see the two-edged sword here?), and live life one day at a time. Oh, what about the ability to never check my voicemail? Maybe that's just lazy :). If it's bad today, there's always tomorrow.

I'm afraid, while honoring my ability to disconnect (and loving most every minute of it), that I will be filled with some empty yesterdays. I'm seeking to balance my ability to disconnect with the trap of being stuck in a holding pattern. We'll see how it turns out.

Other than my cuff, hair and glasses, I don't think any of these pieces have made their appearance here yet. I looooove having so many options in my life!

New boots, eh? My boyfriend actually picked them out, saying they "looked like something I would like." They're true hiker/camper waterproof winter boots, and they'll help my other heeled boots last longer by having more than one pair to wear. I heart them!

Jute and mother of pearl necklace:
White button up shirt: Old Navy
Pink 3/4 sleeve: Kmart
Brown undershirt: DownEast Basics
Diagonal stripe red skirt: Hillard and Hanson (Thrifted)
Studded Cuff: Kohl's
Pantyhose: Leggs Everyday Nude
Keen fuzzy boots: Steep and Cheap

Title: Surrender, by Cheap Trick

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